Some updates on life:

These past few weeks have flown by. First, I was able to join in on a celebration, Dia de Ninos with hundreds of kids.

I had some very relaxing and enjoyable times with my roommates. Also, the Fulp family took a trip to the states, so us four were in charge of all 16 kids.

I also got to hang out with some of my first friends here in Guatemala. We visited some of the beautiful ruins.

And of course.... had some great times with the kids.

Well, I also got a tattoo of two of the little girls in the home that have passed away. I loved them deeply, and I love seeing their names on my arm-- it is a reminder of God's love for each person.

I started my Spanish lessons, so these past few weeks have been filled with studying.

This past week, I was blessed to be able to travel alongside some other missionaries here to Lake Atitlan, and spend some time at children's home there. We worshipped with the kids, taught Bible verses, and played football and soccer. It was an awesome to experience what other homes here are like. We also were blessed to stop in a Mormon children's home and be able to sing worship with the children.

This trip was an amazing time for me to really dive into the Bible and enjoy some really good coffee.
Overall the past few weeks have been stressful, but I am continuously reminded of God's love and the peace He offers us through him. Some specifics to pray for-- We have gotten word from the courts that one of our children will be returning to his family. We are unsure of how stable and good of a decision that is, so if you could pray that God's will be done and for protection over the child. For me, I am still needing sponsors for my life here. Prayers that God provides, so that I am able to stay and love on all these children.
If you are interested in supporting me financially, you can go through the All that you have to do is write "For Kelsie Wester" in the space.
Thank you for all your prayers and support.