Ana will turn one this year. Ana has cerebral palsy and brain damage that was caused by neglect and head trauma from abuse. Ana is a mostly content and happy baby--she sleeps through most nights, so that is awesome. Just a few weeks ago, Ana was moved to Canada to live with a very loving foster family there.
David just turned two this past month. He has low-tone cerebral palsy. He has lots of spasms and seems to be in a lot of discomfort, which causes him to be more of a fussy child. He loves being held, and often gets upset if he is not being held.
Kevin will turn 4 this year. He came to the home about two months ago. He was so severely malnourished that he would not have survived much longer where he was living. Since then, he has gained a little over 3 lbs. He also has cerebral palsy. He is much healthier now. He also smiles quite often and really likes to be around people.
Jarred is three years old and has cerebral palsy. He is not affected at all mentally, solely physically. He cannot talk, but he communicates the best he can using content or discontent noises and hand gestures. He is a very happy and smart child.
Allison is three years old and has down syndrome and is deaf. She is one of the sweetest little things. She is almost always happy and playful. She is often found laying in the middle of the floor, or playing with her baby doll. She is very smart and observant, and we are working on teaching her sign language.
Edy is four years old. He has cerebral palsy and severe brain damage. He goes through cycles of mood changes determined by spasms. He will often have a day or two of really bad spasms where he stops breathing for up to three minutes. During these days, he spends it mainly crying or sleeping, but on his good days of the cycle, you may find him smiling or even laughing.
Esther will turn 5 this year, and has cerebral palsy and autism. She had a stroke, before she came to the home, that affects her right side. She is generally happy, but she often gets overwhelmed and has meltdowns because of the chaos of the home. So, one of her favorite places to be is in the sensory room. The sensory room is a quiet room where we control the noises and visual stimulation.
Olympia is five years old and has down syndrome. She was severely malnourished when she came to the home. This has severely stunted her growth. She has a very strong personality, which often gets her in to trouble. She loves helping out with any jobs we give her, and playing with the other kids, especially Alison. Daryl and Wanda have permanant custody of her.
Ruavis is five years old. He has cerebral palsy and severe brain damage. He is fed through a g-tube, because he is unable to eat orally. He can not do much and doesn't know much of what is going on around him because of the brain damage, but he loves to be held.
Humberto is seven years old. He has high-tone cerebral palsy, but it does not affect him mentally. He is also fed through a g-tube because he has such severe esophagus spasms. He is a very smart and aware child. He is a very happy child, but will often cry out in pain when he goes in to full body spasms. He struggles to communicate, but tries to talk and express himself.
Cesar will turn 13 this year. He has trauma induced autism. He is a very fun and loving kid, but flashbacks to trauma can cause him to lash out often. He is very misunderstood because many see his "angry" actions and think he is a very violent kid. A male presence is very important and comforting to him. He seems to trust in men more, especially when he is upset.
Rafael will turn 14 this year. He has cerebral palsy and is in a wheelchair. He does not do much, but he will flirt with most girls. He is a fun kid with a high pitch squeal. He often tries to look uninterested in activities, but if you make eye contact and smile, then he will do the same.

Walter will turn 17 this year. He has cerebral palsy. He is nonverbal and in a wheelchair. He loves to rough house and loud noises. He loves the song "Long Live the Champion" by KB. If you play the song, he will just scream in laughter. You can easily make him laugh or smile when talking to him. He is a very fun kid to have around.
Brayan will turn 17 this year. He has minor autism and is mentally behind. He loves to help in any way that he is able to, and loves to play immobile kids. He loves to be a big brother to them in any way that he can.
Yennifer will turn 17 this year ,and has autism and a rare condition called Noonan Syndrome. She is affected both mentally and physically. She is one of the most unique people you will ever meet. She is generally happy, but a lot of factors can set her temper off and can cause a meltdown.

Alejandra will turn 17 this year and has cerebral palsy. She is a girly girl who loves to joke around. She has a motorized wheelchair, so that she can get around on her own. She is very smart, and can understand a lot of english. She can't talk, but her iPad has a communication app. She is really good with communicating without her iPad, but we are trying to get her to use the iPad more.
Checha is 19 years old and has cerebral palsy. He also has a motorized wheelchair to get around on his own. He is such a sweet guy. He loves all things Marvel. He is basically fluent in English. He loves to play rough and to mess around. He is very respectful and mature. He is such a smart guy.
If you are interested in supporting me financially with a one time donation or a monthly donation then you can through There you can press the "Donate". And under the "Individual/Family Support" you will find my name. You can also mail a check into their office in the states as long as you write that it is for me. If neither of those options work, venmo also is available. I cannot thank everyone enough for their prayers for me here and for those who are already financially funding me.
Kelsie Wester