Well, March has already come and gone which is crazy. We have been keeping busy for sure.
Before Covid, Kelsie was the Happy HeARTS manager at Merrimack Hall. Merrimack Hall is a place that offers the art to both children and adults with special needs. This population is extra vulnerable so it has been solely on zoom for two years. Except, they tried doing camps this past summer, but covid was still too rampant. Well, finally, on March 21 (which is World Down syndrome Day) it opened!!!
Kelsie is now teaching a zoom class and an in person class each week. She is also going there to help with the other classes any time she is able to.
We also were able to celebrate lots of birthdays!
Our nephew, Danilo turned 6! Jay was able to celebrate with him while Kelsie celebrated him from afar!

Our nephew Aiden turned 3! It has been very fun being able to watch him grow up while living so close to him!

We also had some fun planning done this month! We bought Jay’s plane tickets for his trip here in May! We were wanting him to come one time before the wedding so we could do a little planning with him here, but more importantly so that we could have more family time. It worked out that he is actually coming during my best friend’s wedding! So we will get to all celebrate together, and he will be able to meet some other family and friends that he has not yet.
I will be traveling to Guatemala in April for Jay’s sister’s wedding which is super exciting! It will be a very short trip because it is the week of my finals and because of work. We will make the best of it though! We are going to try and do a little house work and planning while I am there too!
Jeremiah has been very busy with work on the vehicles. They have had a lot of trouble recently with different things going wrong. He also has been doing a lot of welding work, which actually led him to getting metal in his eye. Thankfully he is perfectly healed now. He also has a lot of things that come up throughout the day, so it really is hard for him to keep a schedule.
Prayer partners, I have a new prayer request. As I have been taking on more responsibilities as assistant director, transportation has become more and more difficult. My need for a vehicle has increased, but the ministries vehicles are consistently in use. This has made a lot scheduling conflicts, and I have not been able to do all of the opportunities I have been offered. On top of that, there is a possibility that I alongside Trenton Griffith will be expanding the four wheel drive ministry into a new region of Guatemala. This area is the most rural with the roughest roads to drive on. I will likely be able to share more on that soon. There is a lot of unknowns and prayers about this upcoming quest. All of that to say, I need to buy a truck, and I could use prayer for provision. Kelsie and I really believe that this is the time to start looking for a truck. I truly believe God is telling me to lead into this area. I have not visited, but God placed it heavily on my heart. I believe that this is God leading me to this area. And when God calls— He provides. I ask you to come along side me and pray for provision for a vehicle, and wisdom over this area.
The most exciting news….
We got a puppy! Jeremiah has always wanted a German shepherd, so his birthday gift came early! This is a huge blessing for Jay. He is living alone right now, which was a really big transition for him. He came from living in a house where he could rarely be alone to only living with himself. So, this puppy has been a really nice companion. He is really wanting to train it so that he can take it with him most places. Except, the idea is that when he longer trips away I will have her so she is extra security and a sweet companion.
Nova is so sweet and we are trying to get her used to all the kiddos she will be around.
We once again are blown away by the different people and ways God is showing his provision. We cannot thank everyone enough for their prayers.
Prayer Request:
-Kelsie’s field placement. She should find out this month, where she will be in the fall. Please pray it is where God wants her, and where she will best be taught and prepared for her future.
-Monthly Finances. We are so blessed, but we have not reached our monthly goal yet.
-Finances for a vehicle. Jay has felt God call him to lead into a new area of Guatemala. This is very rural and will require a specific truck.
-The Hope for Home Property. The ministry has found a property and feels God has led them to it. The money is not there yet, so pray for God’s wisdom and guidance throughout the process.
-That we do not allow our busy schedules to get miss an opportunity to share God’s love to people, or to allow us to not spend time with God.
We are not fully funded monthly, but we know God is in control. If you are interested in being a one time or monthly support, we have many different opportunities to give.
Ways To Give--
Paypal: kgwester@gmail.com
Venmo: Kelsie-Wester
You can also give through https://www.paypal.com/donate?token=f7cPJ86bOuArmKLzSqA8bwG0T9VB6Dut7ICwsMUK7_uTL2FhKA3iuu_AvxjxGkwvX2ej9LLEwF0B9s5b
Under the Individuals tab, you will find Jeremiah and I’s name.
Once again, we would not be able to do any of this without your support.

Jeremiah and Kelsie