Hi, my name is Kelsie Wester. I am 21 years old, and from Alabama.
Isaiah 6:8
“ Then I heard the voice of the Lord asking: Who should I send? Who will go for us? I said: Here I am. Send Me."
This is the verse that rang on my heart this past March that caused me to spend three months here in Guatemala. I felt God tugging on my heart to return to work in the home for special needs children, that I worked in the summer before. Little did I know how much growing would happen over those three months. God grew the passions in me like no other. Through much prayer, I felt God was calling me to leave school and move here. This was something that I had felt for a while for the future— I just did not know how soon it would happen. So, I called my family and told them what I felt God was calling me to. I had some things to fix in the states, so I spent three weeks there
with my family before officially moving here on September 3.