February went by crazy fast, but here is our update.
Jeremiah's update
Over the last month, I have been trying to settle into the new house, but I still have more furniture to build before I can finish unpacking everything, and get completely settled. I have continued to help with a lot of work on ministry vehicles, whether that is oil changes, general maintenance, and repairs.
About a month ago, one of the young woman in our adult home took a fall, so alongside our home coordinator, I was able to help with finding a traumatolgist, and coordinating the surgery. Unfortunately, a few days ago, the hardware failed, and her arm broke again, so we are now proceeding with a different course of treatment, and praying for success this time.
Lots of my day-to-day responsibilities consist of trouble shooting, and making decisions, as to spread the responsibilities out across two people, instead of everything falling on the Director(my father).
I also had the awesome opportunity to redig our well that is on our property where we grow food.

About two weeks ago, I had the privilege of helping out my friend, Trenton Griffith, with a project that God had put on his heart. There is an elderly couple who live near our ministry warehouse, and we have on a few occasions helped them out with some food, and over this time we found out that they live up on the hill, and the only way up is on a lose dirt path. This has made life quite difficult, since she is already not very stable and walks with a cane, and sadly she has fallen a few times and broken a few bones including her hip, and a few ribs. On top of that her husband had a stroke a few months back. Trenton had the idea for us to put in some stairs to help make life easier for them. So, we spent a little under a $100 and a few hours. Now they have stairs, and hopefully we didn't just help them be a little safer, but more importantly helped them see God's love for them through us.
Kelsie's Update
This month has been crazy. I have been blessed to work at the church I grew up in along with my other jobs. I was also able to meet our new nephew, Cameron. This month also consisted of a lot of wedding plan. I am trying to get most of it done by August, so that my full focus can be on my field experience.
I was able to spend a lot of time with my family-- especially nephews. That is always a great thing! We also were able to make some really awesome connections for our plans for our future girls home. God has totally been guiding us in this and showing us that he is in control.
This month we really felt and saw God's provision for us. There was a week where Jay and I really felt the stress of finances and the lack of the monthly supporters. The very next week I was blessed through a tax refund and we recieved a very generous donation. Jay and I both were shocked and just so thankful. It was such a great reminder that God hears our prayers, and not only that He is in control. He is providing.
We are so thankful for all of your support. We could not do this without all of your prayers.
Some of our prayer request--
-- That Kelsie gets the field placement that will best teach her for her future here.
-- Jeremiah's motorcycle is having some problems, so that it will be an easy fix.
-- We are still trying to raise our monthly support for our ministry in Guatemala.
-- Related to support, we are really trying to save up for a vehicle. Jay has a motorcycle, but we are really trying to get a vehicle for me, so that we are both able to get around and do ministry at the fullest capacity.
-- That God use both of us, where we are, to be a light in this world. That we show more of Him in this world. If you are interested in supporting us through a one time donation or a monthly, then we have money options to give. We are so thankful for how God is already providing, and we know in His timing the support will come.
Venmo-- Kelsie-wester
Paypal-- Kgwester@gmail.com
Through https://hopeforhome.org/donate.html Under Individual Support (L-Z) you will find our names. Once again, we cannot thank all of you enough for everything you do for us.
Jeremiah and Kelsie
