April has come and gone. This year has been flying by!
I (Kelsie) was able to come for a visit this month! This was super exciting. I was able to visit and see our house furnished and help get it ready-- we did lots of organizing. This was not Jeremiah's favorite past time... It was a very short and busy trip. We did not get to see each other much, but we made the best of it!
Taryn, Jay’s sister had her wedding, this was the reason for the whole trip. We had planned two trips this year— one for each of us, but this came up so we had to add an extra trip for me. I ended up taking a couple pictures for the wedding as well. I really love photography, so that was fun for me. I was also able to see the ones from the Fulp family that traveled to Taryn's wedding, which is always great since we all live everywhere.
It also poured at the wedding as you can see below....
Jay is coming to Alabama this month!! This had been planned for a while, so it is very nice that is so soon, but also sad because we know how much time will be between the next visit. We wanted Jay to visit Alabama at least one more time before the wedding so that he could see the Wester part of the family. The best part is that he is coming during my best friend’s weddings and my uncle visiting! We have been best friend’s since we were four, and he will get to meet a lot of the people that will be at our wedding too. The best part is just having him get to see a huge part of my life that long distance has not allowed for. My uncle is coming in town during this time as well which is awesome since Jay has not met him either. We were really hoping and doing our best to plan that since the next time Jeremiah will be here will be our wedding.
I finished school! This was an amazing feeling to finally be done, well for the most part. I am an online student so I had two weeks of finals, one of which was during my trip. That added a whole extra level of stress to everything, but once again we made it work and now I am done for a while!
I am still waiting to hear on my placement for the fall, but thankfully I do not have summer classes this time!
My classes at Merrimack ended this month as well. It was so much being back together in person with everyone. We had a great time as you can see below.
It was so amazing to see Jay and our cute pup, but this was the hardest trip to leave. We were able to do work on our house and make a little time for each other between wedding festivities. We both really struggled when it was time for me to leave.

Jeremiah has also been super busy. He has had a lot of work at the Bodega. They are working on helping keeping the place organized so there has been a lot of welding work to do so. There is also always a vehicles that needs some type of maintenance. That has kept him very busy, sometimes really late at night as well.
We are only eight months away from our wedding!! That feels amazing to say since we started at 14 months haha. My original trip to Guatemala was going to be in July. I am still hoping to travel then, but flights have gotten very expensive, and things are a little more complicated with my job as well. This trip was going to be for me to plan the wedding things that I am unable to do from afar. I am the kind of person who loves all the planning done way ahead of time, so I have really been trying to get that done. I have taken a break from all planning for the last month or two so that I could focus on my last bit of school.
We could not do any of this without everyone of you. We are so thankful for you taking the time to read our updates, our wins, and our prayer request. We have had so many conversations recently about how much love we have felt from everyone. We are so thankful for you all and a God that has better plans for us then we do. I think I have wrote this every update, but it really has been amazing to see God work. He has used some of the most unexpected people to bless us. It has truly helped deepen our trust in Him, because we know what He has called us to do-- and we are willing and ready, so He will make it happen in the right timing.
Prayer Request:
- Jeremiah and I have noticed that long distance is only getting more difficult, especially with the more preparation for our lives has happened. Prayers that we are able to make the most of this time and prepare ourselves and our relationship for marriage. We want to look back at this time and know that we did the best with it and enjoyed our lives, and did not just focus on how we miss each other.
- Finances.
-Flights are getting more and more expensive, and with the extra flight this month we are a little
stressed on how to pay for the July one.
- Jay is also still working on getting a truck that will allow him to do more ministry. Right now
he borrows a vehicle from the ministry, but often that takes planning in advance (so when
ministry opportunities come up last minute, that is a problem) and still does not always work in
his favor. This is why we are really hoping that we are able to get a vehicle for him personally.
-We have not reached our monthly goal for financial support yet. This has made us dip into our
saving alot more than we really want to.
There are many ways to give if you feel led.
- Cashapp-- $kelsiewester
-Venmo-- Kelsie-wester
-Paypal-- kgwester@gmail.com
You can also donate through the button below. That will take you to HopeforHomes website.
There you will find our names under that tab.
We love you all and could not do any of this without your prayers!
Jeremiah and Kelsie
